He killed his ex-wife and two of his relatives with gunshots


His two children, aged four and seven, witnessed the killings. Abet himself, a few minutes later, called the Civil Guard to tell him the facts. Officers went to the house and stopped him.

According to the deputy delegate of the Government of Pontevedra, Maica Larriba, the couple had been divorced since January 2018 and no complaints of violence had been brought before. They also reported that the murderer had killed Sandra with a short gun, which was next to the car in which the children were. Then he went home and shot the other two women.

The inhabitants of this village, consisting of 40 houses, heard the shots and one of them went to the scene. Seeing what happened, he put the children safe.

The man, who had an ice-cream business while previously working in carpentry, had a son from a previous relationship, whom Sandra came to care for shortly after her marriage, according to neighbors.

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The marriage problems started, according to the couple's knowledge, a few years ago, although they did not specify the moment of their separation.

The author confessed to the triple crime called Civil Guard of the house of Carballido where he lived in recent months with his mother and sister. The agents staged a major deployment for fear of being entrenched in the house, but eventually, Abet went without opposition.

The troops are investigating how the murder weapon, which has not yet been found, has been used. The man does not have a firearms license or criminal record, so he is suspected of having obtained it on the black market, which could indicate premeditation in the crime.

The children attracted the attention of psychologists from the Galiza Xunta and the miners' department. As revealed by the mayor of the city, José María Bello, the boys will be in charge of a direct relative.

He killed his 14-year-old girlfriend

In the state of Nueva Leon, Mexico; A 25-year-old man killed his 14-year-old girlfriend and remains a fugitive.

According to the police, the femicide would have been identified as Héctor, while the victim, aged eleven, would call Deyana Montserrat. The incident occurred in the municipality of Cadereyta Jiménez and was discovered by the mother of the teenage girl, who heard a detonation at the fire and went to the hospital. where the girl lived with her partner. The lady had to break a glbad to get to the house and found her daughter, head down, shot in the head. Although she was transferred to the hospital, the girl died a few minutes later.


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