He killed his five children, burned down his house and committed suicide – News


Oreanna Myers, 25, shot dead her biological children, aged 4, 3 and 1, and two stepchildren aged 7 and 6, after which she burned down her house and committed suicide.

Brian Bumgarner, her husband, was traveling for work and his car broke down, which is why he found himself stranded with relatives.

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A neighbor called 911 to report that the family’s house was on fire. Authorities found a suicide note and a will in the woman’s car.

“You will have nothing else to return to than to see a corpse,” she had said to her husband through a message.

“I’m sorry for my evil crime. I wasn’t strong enough to fight these demons,” he confessed in one of the notes he left.

“This is my advice. Kiss everyone you love the most. Never leave someone in an argument. Say I love you often and take lots of photos with your loved ones. You never know when you will see them for the last time. Please don’t take a second for granted, ”Brian wrote after the tragedy.

The suicide prevention line in Argentina is 135.


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