He killed his two sons because they believed they had “snake DNA” and would turn into “terrible monsters”


Matthew Taylor Coleman with his wife and two young daughters, whom he killed for believing in conspiracy theories.
Matthew Taylor Coleman with his wife and two young daughters, whom he killed for believing in conspiracy theories.

The owner of a surf school in California has been accused of killing his two sons in Mexico because of his fervor inr QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories, who made him convince himself that the little ones “were going to become terrible monsters”.

Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, was charged on Wednesday with the overseas murder of U.S. citizens in connection with the deaths of his 2-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California . Authorities said Coleman confessed to the murders and told the FBI he used a harpoon gun to stab them.

In the criminal complaint of the case, it is alleged that Coleman told the FBI that he killed his children because he was convinced they would become “terrible monsters” because conspiracy theories led him to believe his wife had passed on “snake DNA” to them.

Matthew Taylor Coleman allegedly killed his children by stabbing them with a harpoon gun
Matthew Taylor Coleman allegedly killed his children by stabbing them with a harpoon gun

Coleman’s wife, identified only by her initials, contacted Santa Barbara police after her husband abducted the children on Saturday, but did not tell her where they were going. She worried after he did not respond to her messages and, knowing that her husband did not have a car seat with him, she called the police.

A missing person’s report was released on Sunday and officers asked him to use Apple’s Find My iPhone feature to see if he could find Coleman. The show showed Coleman’s last known location in Rosarito, Mexico, he said.

Police alerted FBI to investigation which turned into suspected parental abduction case. Coleman was arrested Monday after border protection officers inspected his truck upon his return to the United States. where officers did not see their children and found blood on the vehicle, authorities said.

The complaint alleges that Coleman He confessed to the murders in an interview on Monday and gave authorities the location of the murder weapon and the bloody clothes thrown away. He also identified two bodies recovered by Mexican authorities as those of his children..

Matthew Taylor Coleman believed his children would become "terrible monsters" for being contaminated by "Snake DNA".
Matthew Taylor Coleman believed his children would become “terrible monsters” after being infected with “snake DNA”.

A judge ordered Coleman’s detention without bail on Wednesday and set his court appearance for August 31. According to the complaint, Coleman said that he knew that what he had done was wrong but that “it was the only action that would save the world”.

It is likely that the “Serpent DNA” is a reference to the “Lizard People” conspiracy theory, which mistakenly maintains that reptilian aliens rule the world in secret and have taken prominent positions in government, banking and Hollywood.

Coleman told authorities he learned of the “Snake DNA” through QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories, although the Lizard People conspiracy theory predates the two by several decades.

FILE PHOTO: Jacob Chansley, the Buffalo Priest of QAnon, one of those who entered the United States Capitol to protest Donald Trump's defeat in the last election.  REUTERS / Cheney Orr / File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Jacob Chansley, the buffalo priest of QAnon, one of those who entered the United States Capitol to protest Donald Trump’s defeat in the last election. REUTERS / Cheney Orr / File Photo

Believers in every conspiracy theory have come together over the past few years, as conspiracy influencers and social media algorithms frequently bring all theories together.

QAnon is a more recent conspiracy theory based on the belief that a global “reptilian” like “elite” rose to the top of the United States government, secretly murdering and eating children and whom Donald Trump was quietly working to defeat them during his tenure.

These beliefs have caused serious problems in the country with people taking extreme measures motivated by the desire to “save the world” from these groups. The shootings, the assaults on pizzerias supposed to be shelters for sex slaves for the pedophile elite (pizza gate) and the assault on the Capitol have included these “extreme measures” by the conspirators.


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