He Killed His Wife With 300 Wounds And Beaten Her Because He Believed She Was Unfaithful To Him | the Chronicle


A man was sentenced to life imprisonment to be found by justice guilty of his wife’s femicide, of which he murdered 300 shots in the house where the couple lived, in the English town of Liverpool.

The crime of Paula Leather, who was 56 years old, was committed on November 16, 2020 and her husband, George, admitted to doing it because he thought she was unfaithful.

Due to the cruelty of femicide, the woman’s corpse could only be identified by a tattoo what he had and he shows that I was wearing.

The “broken faceSaid the experts who worked on the case.

After a trial, a court sentenced George Leather, 60 years, to life imprisonment. To apply for parole, you must spend 18 years in prison.

According to the evidence gathered in the case, the man accused his wife of cheating on him during an argument.

He said he went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and started stabbing her until the knife broke; do the same with a second knife and a third“said the prosecutor, Gordon cole. According to the judicial official, the femicide used four knives.

Most of the injuries were provoked in the face. The judge of the case, Andrew Menary, who called the murder “an episode of indescribable and barbaric savagery“quoted the British press.


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