He launched the first airline plane with cherries in China: carries 1,300 kilos of fruit


Last night, the first shipment of 1,300 kilos of cherries from Patagonia to China was shipped by air Credit: Shutterstock

The plan of

Aerolineas Argentinas

took off yesterday at 23:30 from the airport Ministro Pistarini, in Ezeiza, will stop in New York and its final destination will be


. There, he will ship a cargo of 1300 kilos of cherries produced in Patagonia, in the Rio Negro Valley, during the first export of this fresh fruit to Beijing by air.

Exporting is part of the agreements signed by the president,

Mauricio Macri,

and his Chinese pair,

Xi Jinping,

as part of


celebrated in Buenos Aires at the end of November last year. Early December
the agreement signed between the two countries has materialized and the Chinese market for Argentine cherries has been opened.

Guillermo Dietrich, Minister of Transport of the Nation, explained: "The revolution of the plane is also the following: we have more capacity in the cellar and that allows us to realize achievements like this one." Aerolíneas Argentinas is increasing its freight market more and more, thanks to its strategic vision to continue to grow it, this achievement is fundamentally part of an essential growth policy that consists in making Argentina a global player ".

The cherries shipped to national flagged aircraft warehouses were manufactured in the town of Chimpay in the Rio Negro Valley. As explained in the transport portfolio,
the first shipment of Argentine cherries to the Chinese market was also shipped by ship this month, but they are still in transit. Therefore, those transported by airlines will be the first to reach this market.

The richness of Argentine cherries

On the other hand, the Secretary of the Government of Agri-Food,

Luis Miguel Etchevehere,

"This is another step that consolidates the signing of the formalized G20 protocol, which opens up potential for provinces such as Mendoza and the Patagonian region." It is possible to create more than 100,000 jobs in the coming years. 10 years."

"The last export of Patagonia to Chile was made by sea and is now the first air route, and in two months, the terms of the protocol with China have been completed in record time."

Aerolineas Argentinas finished the first export of this fruit
Aerolineas Argentinas finished the first export of this fruit Credit: Ministry of Transport

As they explained to Agroindustria, about 1,000 people are employed during the season of harvesting and packing this product and the estimated production for this year is 2,200 tons of fresh cherries. The main export countries are the United States, the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom and Brazil.

In 2017, China acquired cherries for $ 771 million, or 31% of world trade. The Argentine cherry is appreciated for its sanitary standard, quality, size, color and softness.

Air freight

Between 2015 and 2018, the airlines managed to increase the international freight volume by 33%: from 20,958 tonnes in 2015 to 27,906 last year. Revenues went from $ 31 million in 2015 to nearly $ 40 million in 2018.

"This transaction is a strategic move for our cargo business, which we are firmly committed to in our business plan, which also means opening new markets for the company and the country," he said. Luis Malvido, president of the company. Aerolineas Argentinas.

Etchevehere pointed out that "this is possible thanks to the redevelopment of the cargo terminal of Ezeiza Airport, which, thanks to the new infrastructure and cold stores, increases the export capacity, reduces the times of badembly of cargo and strengthens the country's trade. "

Last night, the first shipment of cherries to the People's Republic of China left
Last night, the first shipment of cherries to the People's Republic of China left Credit: Ministry of Transport

Last night, packets of Patagonia cherries left the new terminal. As explained in the Dietrich-led portfolio last October, the Ministry of Transport and Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 completed the construction of new facilities in the export and import sectors.

"The renovation doubled the storage capacity, reduced the badembly time of the goods by 30% and improved the working conditions of the employees," they explained.

They also added that the extension of nearly 800 m2 of the refrigerated area "ensures a better and adequate preservation of products during the export process, so that fresh produce reaches their destination in conditions conservation, which makes the product more competitive and "


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