He left a car store and received his last salary with 91,000 cents because the owner was upset by his decision.


A rather unusual story comes from the A-OK Walker Luxury Autoworks auto repair shop in the United States. The, a former employee who had just resigned received the last salary of 91,500 coins. As if that wasn’t enough, they were coated in steering fluid.

Andreas Flaten, who was the store manager until November last year, explained that he thinks it is 91,500 cents, which equates to $ 915 of wages owed. He didn’t count them anyway to make sure he had a dime.

In dialogue with the New York Times, Flaten confessed that, in order to punish him for the move, his former employer left him a mountain of coins at the entrance to the workshop on March 12, four months after submitting his resignation and after making a series of complaints for late payment of his last salary.

His girlfriend posted a video on Instagram the next day, March 13. From there, he began to attract the attention of thousands of Internet users, who gave him their support. “It would be different if it were just a few coins,” Flaten said. And to top it all had been coated with a “sticky and spicy” substance. The steering fluid is a mixture of mineral oil and synthetic oil.

Miles Walker, the owner of the workshop, told CBS46 he didn’t remember the situation. “It’s okay, they paid for it, that’s all it’s worth”, was the only thing he said about it.

Flaten pointed out that the problem stems from Your employer’s “insensitivity” to your need to pick up your child from daycare during working hours. Initially, Walker agreed to these conditions. And he took the job because they allowed him to retire every day at 5 in the afternoon.

It happened that during the pandemic her son’s daycare started closing earlier, so she had to start leaving the workshop earlier. “There, the arrangement evaporated,” Flaten said. This inability to pick up the child and “Other unpleasant exchanges” prompted him to give notice in November of his intention to resign. He even stopped working earlier than expected.

Months later, when he still had not received his last salary, he filed a claim with the United States Department of Labor. This entity had to contact the owner of the workshop three times to reach an agreement, not knowing what was to follow. Anyway, they made it clear that “There are no regulations that dictate in what currency an employee should receive a payment”.

When summoned to the workshop to fetch the money, he found not only that the mountain of coins contained oil, but an envelope with the phrase “Kiss my ass”. In the envelope he found his payment slip, but no checks or bills.

Flaten and his girlfriend, Olivia Oxley, spent the next few hours hauling the coins in a wheelbarrow to the entrance. At one point, its wheels collapsed under the weight of the parts. Then hours passed, she shared it on her social media and sparked total outrage. Now there are campaigns so that no one brings their car to this workshop.


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