He left a letter indicating who could attend his funeral – News


It is very common that when leaving, some people put their vows in writing so that their loved ones can comply with them.

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This was the case with María Paz Fuentes Fernández, a Spanish woman, who left a list of people who could attend his funeral when the time is right.

The deceased made it public in a funeral notice, which are generally used by family members and not by the deceased himself.

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“According to my principles and my particular way of saying things, I order that: as my family has been bloodless for a long time, I impose my last will so that they only allow themselves to attend my funeral, morgue, church and cemetery with the people I mention below, ”he wrote.

Then the woman listed the 16 people allowed to attend and left a harsh message for those who weren’t included: “To the rest of the people who never cared in my life, I wish you carry on as far as you were”.


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