He left his 18-month-old son alone to go dancing – 10/04/2019


"You left him alone, unattended, at home for 15 hours while you were having fun downtown. I can not believe it. Judge Geraint Walters, of the Swansea Court in Wales, found it impossible to control his outrage, and faced a woman accused of leaving her at home for more than half a day to 18 months, regardless of the number of attempts, the magistrate could not understand how such a situation could occur.

The episode occurred in April 2018 and the case was settled this week by the courts of Swansea court court. The life of the child was saved thanks to the intervention of the social workers, who They found the 18-month-old baby alone, without anyone at your side.

The mother left the child alone at home and went for 15 hours to a meeting with friends.

The mother left the child alone at home and went for 15 hours to a meeting with friends.

Prosecutor Catherine Richards explained Tuesday in court that the woman was living alone with her son after a restraining order was made against her former partner (and father of the child) in a case of gender-based violence. In this context, social workers have scheduled a meeting to follow the story closely, but she never showed up. So they decided to come home with surprise.

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They arrived, rang and there was no answer. They called the house and they did not answer either. With the help of the owner of the residence, they managed to get to the house and found alone and abandoned the little baby, who was sleeping in his cradle.

Leaving the baby alone, the mother was involved in a car accident.

Leaving the baby alone, the mother was involved in a car accident.

"He was very dirty and his tail hurt," said Richards. This was due to the slight irritation of the skin caused by the time spent in contact with their waste in the absence of diaper change.

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"There was no trace of the mother," said the prosecutor, who also said he found in the house a cake bearing the name of his ex-partner. Yes, the man subject to a perimeter restriction for family violence had once again lived with the child's mother, none of them cared for the baby at that time. "It became clear that the accused had gone out with friends and his former partner and had left his son alone at home," concluded Richards.

The woman admitted her accusations and lost possession of the child.

The woman admitted her accusations and lost possession of the child.

While this was happening at home, the woman went through the center of the city and had more problems. That night, she was one of the pbadengers of a car that eventually crashed. against a wall.

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The authorities arrived instead, she tried to run away but the police found her and arrested her. When they interrogated her, she lied. He gave false details about his identity but his story was short and a few hours later he discovered what he had done.

"She made a serious mistake, she made a very immature, selfish and deplorable decision," admitted her lawyer.

In court, Jon Tarrant, the woman's defense attorney, explained, "She committed a serious miscalculation, she made a very immature, egotistical and deplorable decision." Without any other alternative, the mother admitted his charge of "cruelty to a child under 16" and his second mistake in "trying to distort the course of justice" for lying to the authorities.

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Finally, the judge rejected and dispelled all his contempt for what happened: "You have admitted the crime of cruelty to an 18-month-old child leaving the child. "

And summed up: "The social workers went home because they did not attend a pre-arranged appointment with them.You have a long relationship with social workers because of your violent relationship with the father of the family. child and a prohibition order was already in effect.The local authorities have allowed your son to stay with you as long as you do not badociate with the father of the child. "

The woman was sentenced to two years in prison suspended and lost possession of the child.

The woman was sentenced to two years in prison suspended and lost possession of the child.

In addition, she referred to what she had experienced the night she had left her child: "That night, she was arrested for acts unrelated to the police and gave the police a false name. ". She pointed out that she could have taken advantage of this meeting with the authorities to announce that her baby was alone: "It would have been a great opportunity for you to tell the police that your son was not treated at home and reduces the risk of damage. "

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"Your priority was to save your skin and you lied to the police, I hope you do not need me to tell you thatThis night's behavior was, at the very least, extremely reprehensible"

"The idea of ​​abandoning a child in any circumstance, not to mention for a long time, goes against the instinct of any humanitarian mother. Normally this is an integral part of every mother's personality. What is yours is the opposite. "

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Then the judge condemned: "Your child will be permanently placed in a home to be adopted". In addition, it was learned that the woman had been sentenced to two months 'suspended imprisonment at twelve months' imprisonment and a 25-day re-education sentence.


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