He left his daughter locked in the car at 35 ° C


"It was my husband, you want me to do it," said the woman when she met her little girl. The man, always outraged, asked him to take his daughter out of the car to catch his breath, but she did not listen and left.

The anxiety of this man is not excessive because a child exposed to these high temperatures and without air can die.

"There is no justification, ma'am, so what happens is happening"; "Please, get this creature out of there," said the man who denounced the action.

Finally, the woman expressed her concern to the people who were attentive to the situation on the parking lot and acknowledged: "They are right, that is what I told her (to her husband) when she told me gave the key ".

Other similar cases

This case adds to a series of situations that have affected the media and social networks in recent months. In particular, following a case last November in Santo Lugares (Tres de Febrero), a city in Buenos Aires where a father "forgot" his baby more than 9 hours in his car and where it is dead.

In December, a 38-year-old woman left her 4-year-old daughter in the car to go shopping and was rescued by the police, who had to break the window of the vehicle to remove the child who had "suffered of a nervous breakdown ". The mother wanted to get in the car and leave, but the police detained her. She was detained for a few hours, while the girl was responsible for the police staff until the arrival of the father.

Also in December, a baby was found in a car, locked and under the sunbeam, in the parking lot of a large shopping center. He had remained in his car seat while waiting for his mother to go shopping before Christmas Eve.

By denouncing the people who were there, the police appeared at the place and had to break the glbad of the Chevrolet Meriva to remove the little one. All the while, the boy's parents were not present and the minor was transferred to a police station.

Fuente Clarín


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