He left his dog locked in the car for several hours, tried to save him but died


A dog was found died in a automobile at United States after its owner l left locked for several hours in the sunlight, with over 30 degrees of temperature. Police Analyze to Present Charges Against the Irresponsible Woman

A Video Streamed in the Social Networks Shows a Crowd Gathered Around a Car Parked in Front of a Walmart Supermarket at Trussville Last Wednesday .

As seen in the pictures, at least one person tries to open the vehicle, before a policeman breaks a window and that the agents manage to get the animal out of the car . However, despite attempts to revive him, the dog died in minutes.

A group of Walmart buyers in Alabama tried to save a dog locked in a hot car with the windows closed for seven hours. pic.twitter.com/1s1h6NE64z

– Circa (@Circa) July 5, 2018

Lieutenant Phil Dillon explained that a woman parked the car next to the store at 4:00 pm . early in the morning and the animal remained inside the vehicle for seven hours without, at least, an open window. As can be seen, the supermarket employees called the owner of the loudspeaker system, but no one answered.

Given the pitiless attitude of the puppy owner Dillon said the authorities had the intention to file a complaint after finding the owner.

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