He lived 30 years with a worm in his head | Chronic


Chinese doctors have discovered that a 51-year-old man spent more than half of his life with a live worm lodged in his skull. Although the subject visited several hospitals during his lifetime to locate the cause of his migraine, health professionals have been able to determine it recently. The operation of extraction of the parasite has been successfully carried out.

Zhanga 51-year-old man spent his life walking, trying to find the cause of his migraine attacks, headaches and severe nausea. After a long search, he found doctors who were finally able to determine the cause of his symptoms: he had a 10-centimeter worm living in his head 30 years ago.

"I started feeling these symptoms since 1989, but most of the doctors did not pay attention to me, they downplayed the situation.Another group of professionals came to diagnose epilepsy", the patient told.

As the doctors who have recently treated him explained, the man had contracted this infection after ingesting contaminated water or eating raw snakes and frogs. "These practices are common where he lived"they clarified.

After being surprised by this man's diagnosis, the doctors recorded the procedure and posted the video on the Internet. In the file, the 10 centimeter insect can be observed on a table after being extracted from the patient's skull.


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