He lived in the jungle for 41 years and didn’t know women existed


A man who lived isolated in the forests of Vietnam with his dad and her brother for 41 years did not know that women existed. They called him “the real Tarzan”.

Ho Van Lang fled civilization at the end of the Vietnam War in 1972, when an American bomb killed his mother and two brothers. Lang settled deep in the jungle, in the Tay Tra district of Quang Ngai province.

Ho Van Lang, 49, and his father, Ho Van Thanh, spent four decades building treehouses, dressing in loincloths made from tree bark, and chasing rats for dinner. It is not for nothing that this man resembles Mowgli, the character from “The Jungle Book”, due to his upbringing in nature. In those four decades, they only saw five other people and fled each time.

In 2015, photographer Álvaro Cerezo reunited with the family. They were “saved” from their lifetime isolated and taken to a local village where women live.

Cerezo said Lang’s father had “a deep phobia of returning to civilization because he didn’t believe the Vietnam War was over.”



He added: “They always ran away when they saw people from afar.” Even more surprising is that today, although he is able to distinguish men from women, he still does not know the essential difference between them. “

She added: “I can confirm that Lang never had the slightest sexual desire and his reproductive instinct never prevailed in any of his many facets.

Lang’s brother, Tri, described him as a “baby in a man’s body”, with very little understanding of “many basic social concepts”.

Tri said, “Lang has spent his entire life in the jungle. So his brain is like a baby’s. If I asked Lang to hit someone, he would do it severely. He does not know the difference between good and evil. Lang is just a child. “

He continued, “He doesn’t know anything. Most people know what’s right and wrong in life, but my brother doesn’t. If I asked Lang to stab someone with a knife, he would do it without thinking and that person could Die “.

However, despite fears that Lang would kill anyone who asks him to, Cerezo said he was “happily adjusting to his new life.”

He said, “Lang was probably the cutest human I’ve ever met, he just doesn’t know what’s right or wrong.”

He added, “The first year was the most difficult for Lang due to health issues from a new virus and new bacteria in his system.”

Lang thinks the modern world is “loud”, but he likes to see “animals being nice to people”.

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