He lost control of the car and ended up overturned in a swimming pool: the owner saved him from drowning | the Chronicle


A man was having coffee at home, when he saw how suddenly a car got lost, went through a fence and fell into his swimming pool from the Spanish town of San Adrian, in Navarre.

It was six in the afternoon on June 30 when Igor Arigita Lopez, who worked at home, saw from his room how the vehicle collapsed into its own swimming pool, so immediately, a few seconds after the shock of what had happened, he immediately came to the aid of the occupants.

Fate would have it that there is no one to bathe and that the young man of 24 years who works in a hospital in Estella and her 15 year old sister were there to help her.

“I managed to open the door and remove the seat belt. We pulled him between my sister and me and the boy reacted immediately. He was babbling but no resuscitation was necessary. received several hits, but luckily nothing broke. “said Igor.

“In addition, my sister and I know how to do CPR, my mother is a nurse and also gives first aid courses “he added.

The vehicle fell into the yard from a four-meter drop in the side corner of the house, at the intersection of Sant Adriá de Besos and San Jerónimo streets.

Navarre firefighters seeing how the vehicle was left in the pool.

It first struck the concrete and then the swimming pool, at a depth of 1.80 meters. In his fall, he broke a steel fence and part of the concrete wall that surrounds the yard.

The driver, whose identity has not been disclosed, the first thing he did while speaking to the fire department was to give the boy credit for the rescue. “It was he who pulled him out of the water”, insured.

Igor Arigita López, the young man who saved the life of the driver who ended up in his swimming pool.

“At first the boy wanted to go home but we convinced him to go to the hospital”, Igor assured, who indicated that he had also been transferred by ambulance to a nearby hospital.


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