He lost his ball and started a tender quest that had a better end than expected


"Have you seen my ball?", wrote the little one in white sheets and his application quickly became viral on social networks with over a thousand shares on Facebook.

lost ball baby

Marisa Miranda, Benicio's mother, recounted her son's desperate search with an emotional message and asked that "If someone took her thinking that she was abandoned", they would send her back because the baby was "very sad". "It was one of Beni's favorite bullets," he explained.

Following the viralization of the message, vEnvironmentalists and Tandil companies donated more than 40 bullets to the young man, used and YPF.

lost ball baby

After Benicio found his favorite toy, the family decided to create a solidarity movement and He gathered more toys and bullets to distribute Children's Day among the children who could not have his gift.

"I had the responsibility to make this generosity to the people," explained Marisa, who accompanied her in the distribution of gifts. During the solidarity demonstration, he confirmed that the children were waiting for their son, shouting: "Beni delivers balls".


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