He lost his nose, went to the doctor and discovered that something unusual was going on in his nose.


February 23, 2019

The strange condition found in humans only affects 0.1% of the inhabitants of the planet.


After lose sense of smell For a long time, a 59-year-old man decided to go to the doctor and discovered that a tooth had grown in their nostrils, in the setting of a tumor.

This strange condition is known as hyperdontie or supernumerary teeth. According to experts, it only concerns 4% of the human population, further developing a dental bite in the mouth, but this time it was diverted up and ended in the nose; something that this only happens at 0.1% of human beings.

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The tooth had been blocking the subject's nose for two years, so he went to the doctor at the University of Aarhus (Denmark) and there they found the real reason for the obstruction and did it.

tooth in the nose

The images of the operation clearly show a pearly white tooth in one of the nostrils of the patient.

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