"He made a free fall of 71 meters", the details of Julen's lifeless discovery


The first hypotheses about the death of the two-year-old boy falling into a well in the town of Totalán in Malaga, Spain, whose body was found at dawn today, indicate that he "fell into free fall to 71 meters" deep and that a landslide caused the "plug" under which he was found after 13 days of an unprecedented rescue operation.

"The body's position suggests that the fall was free at the 71-meter level where the child was found," said at a press conference the representative of the Spanish Government in Andalusia, Alfonso Rodriguez Gómez de Celis, responsible for the operation.

After pointing out that there was still "no certainty" while the investigation was continuing, the political leader plunged into the thesis that a landslide caused by the fall could be the cause of the "cork" under which Julen's body was found.

Gomez de Celis said that at the same time that the child was rushed into the well on January 13th, he could have fallen "off the ground" because the walls were sandy and his body scraped the hole. only 20 centimeters in diameter.

On the other hand, on the hypothesis posed concerning the existence of an "oxygen bag" which could have allowed the child to breathe under the earth electrode, stated that "the air that could exist is the air between his feet and head, since Julen ran into the earth. "

"They found it at the expected level of the two miners who were doing their turn at that time, at 1:25 am (21 yesterday from Argentina), and they were accompanied by a civilian guard of the mountain group in the hands of the judicial commission which proceeded to the removal of the body at four o'clock in the morning ", explained the government delegate.

The investigation is entrusted to the Civil Guard and the Malaga Court of Investigation No. 9, which is expected to know the preliminary results of the autopsy in the coming hours. Unable to conceal the sadness of the outcome of the unprecedented rescue operation, Gómez de Celis said he was "going away" with the certainty of having done everything that was humanly and humanely technically possible to achieve an undesired goal ".

"May this example of determination and solidarity serve as other emergencies to come," he said. "It's an obstacle course, one in which the mountain has put us in. It seems the mountain was defending itself, but everything is focused on this colossal mission, the one that united us all, the one that led us to do it. in a faster and more efficient way than was possible, "he said.

Although autopsy and justice results have not yet been confirmed, it is estimated that Julen lost his life after falling into a water prospecting well at more than 100 meters in depth and only about 20 meters in diameter. I had no protection.

The government delegate made a public appeal regarding the circumstances of the accident: "Anyone who has built an illegal well is still in time to seal it," he said.


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