He made a Tinder profile of his grandson and called him “lazy” – News


The story went viral when his grandmother described him to Scott Lefevre, a 28-year-old man, as “lazy”, “messy” and as an “unnecessary cook” in his profile presentation on Tinder.

Hi, I’m Trina, Scott’s grandmother. He’s been single for almost two years and I think he needs my help so I opened a profile for him here to help him find a girlfriend. He is 28 years old, he has no children, he is an adorable grandson, very messy; he needs a girlfriend who can cook. He’s a bit lazy and doesn’t like sports very much, but he loves to go for walks, ”the woman wrote on the app.

Seeing this situation, Scott said: “I was a little angry when I found out what he had done, but I quickly saw the tone of the joke. What I don’t like is that he took out my dirty laundry, but I know he did so with good intentions.

However, the profile was successful as it received “26 matches,” published The Sun.

According to the young man, his grandmother has long insisted that he find a partner.

“He always tells me to have a girlfriend, that I’ve been single for two years. But I like to go out more than to settle down. I was dating, but nothing serious. I get bored easily and I still can’t find the right girl, ”concluded Lefevre.


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