He mistreated an eight year old boy and posted it on Facebook Live.


Dutch police arrested a 27-year-old man accused of having abused an eight-year-old boy in the city of Leiden and to have transmitted the aggression live through the social network Facebook.

The incident occurred Saturday night and the young man was arrested after the police received multiple complaints by social network users on the "live transmission of abuse to a minor" age.

Police informatics experts followed l & # 39; location from which the signal was issued, with the help of some exhibits in the house, which served as a clue, police said in a statement.

At the scene, officers found the badually abused baby and the suspect. According to the police, the man does not have fixed address and he stayed in the family home temporarily.

The child has received medical badistance. The police did not provide more details on the type of family relationship that unites the alleged perpetrator and the victim, nor on their current situation, nor on the seriousness of the badault they were victims.


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