He mocked a beggar and the justice condemned him: the Youtuber ReSet will go to jail for 15 months


Spanish justice sentenced an acquaintance to 15 months in prison Youtuber who posted a video in which he humiliated a beggar by giving him biscuits filled with toothpaste and forbade him to use this social network for five years.

In the decision delivered on Friday, a judge from Barcelona (northeast) condemns Kenghua R., known as ReSet, for a crime of breach of moral integrity and compels him to compensate the beggar of 20,000 euros for moral damages.

Even in this case, the convict will not be imprisoned because he does not have a criminal record.

ReSet created its own channel on Youtube in December 2014, with which she became one of the best-known "influencers" in Spain and Latin America, with 1.1 million subscribers and 124 million views of its content.

Two years after the launch of the channel, he released the video of the beggar in which the judge concluded that he had acted with the intention of "defaming, degrading and offending" a vulnerable person and "gaining money to the detriment of the suffering of others ".

The judge found that it had been proven that in November 2016, the defendant had received from one of his supporters, whose identity is unknown, the proposal to carry out a consistent challenge to distribute people in the street, jokingly, biscuits filled with toothpaste instead of the cream they carry inside.

The defendant accepted the challenge and, "taking advantage of the great vulnerability flowing from extreme poverty and social exclusion", asked a beggar when he was hungry and handed him a 20 euros ticket to the Galician.

The Youtuber he recorded this scene in a video in which he himself, "with the intention of ridiculing and vexing" the homeless, addressed himself to his supporters by boasting of this fact, he it would help to "wash your teeth". repeated the next day with the same beggar.

These images have had a significant impact on social networks and have raised complaints from Youtube users and Internet users in general.

For this reason, the defendant erased the video and offered the beggar 300 euros so that he would not attempt to denounce it.

According to the conviction, this was not the last time the defendant had committed acts of this nature, other recordings in which he offered to an old man and a minor child sandwiches stuffed with cat droppings which, in both cases they rejected.


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