He murdered, dismembered and ate his mother: justice sentenced the ‘Cannibal de Ventas’ to 15 years in prison


Alberto Sánchez GomezIn addition to serving 15 years and 5 months in prison, you will have to pay his brother 60,000 euros as a compensatory measure for moral damages who produced the crime he committed between the end of January and February 21, 2019.


Early 2019, Sánchez lived with his mother, María Soledad Gómez, to an address in Madrid, located in the Sales district. At the time, the accused was 26 years old.

Without a precise date, but which undoubtedly occurred at the end of January or the beginning of February, the young man He had a fight with his 66-year-old mother and after a verbal confrontation, he approached the woman and he held her firmly by the neck in order to end his life.

María Soledad died at the hands of her son during suffocation.

Then, according to local media, the accused – who has been deprived of his liberty since February 23, 2019- moved the body to the room and put it on the bed with the intention of making it go away gradually.

For this, he proceeded to dismember the corpse with a carpenter’s saw and two knives kitchen that I had handy in the house.

Once the job is done, Alberto Sanchez he divided the remains and kept parts of the body in plastic containers which he distributed around the house.

A number of these containers have been kept in the refrigerator. Other parts of the corpse were thrown in garbage bags and ended up in the trash.

The cannibal said in his statement that ate “occasionally” the remains of his mother’s body, so many raw as cooked. This time lasted about 15 days.

According to ‘El Español’ media outlet, officers who visited the house described during the trial the gruesome scene they encountered upon arrival, noting that as soon as they entered the house, the young man confessed to the crime. “She is dead”, He said.

Inside the house, in addition to finding a multitude of cadaveric remains distributed in the manner described above, the police found the head, part of the scalp and an ear of the woman, who were still on the bed.

Also, part of the body i was in the dog house, while in the bathroom there was a knife and traces of blood.

Defense of the accused alleged madness and said that ‘a few voices“They ordered him to commit the crime; However, on May 6, a popular jury said the 26-year-old guilty of the crime of murder and desecration of a corpse, ruling out the possibility that he committed the crime in a psychotic break.


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