He murdered his friend after finding out he was abusing his 8-year-old daughter


Russian father murdered his friend after finding videos in which the man was abusing her 8 year old daughter. The bloody and fatal episode took place in the village of Vintai, in the Samara region.

Vyacheslav M (34) and Oleg Sviridov (32) were drinking something when apparently the girl’s father saw a video of her badly touched, from the phone of Sviridov. Vyacheslav he immediately faced his partner.

The latter did not hesitate to escape quickly. However, a few minutes later he would be located by the father who stabbed him until he was sure he had lost his life. The footage had been recorded when Sviridov was taking care of the girl at the request of his friend.

Russia Abuse
Oleg Sviridov, Vyacheslav’s friend and who abused the 8-year-old.

Sviridov’s body was found almost a week later as the father of the girl watch the video of the abuse. In the first case, Vyacheslava asserted without hesitation that Sviridov had “tripped over the knife during a fight”.

He claimed at the time that the murder had not been intentional but purely accidental. However, the authorities did not believe his alibi. Vyacheslav was arrested and his case would then begin to be investigated.

Considering the number of times he has asked his friend to take care of his baby girl, the father of the 8-year-old girl has ventured on the existence of several episodes of sexual abuse. This data could be corroborated by the police in the following days.

Russia Abuse
Vyacheslav with the mother of his daughter and the 8-year-old girl who had been repeatedly abused.

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Security forces in Russia, who assessed the suspected pedophile’s phone, They reported that there were other clips in which he not only abused the 8-year-old. They also exhibited 6 and 11 year old city girls.

From what authorities observed in these videos, Sviridov allegedly abused minors for five years before his friend found out. After Vyacheslav’s arrest, locals tried to prevent the father from being charged with murder.

After days of protests and mobilisations in the streets of the small Russian village, he was released and then placed under house arrest for two months until the investigation against him continues.

“He is not a murderer; he protected his daughter and also our children. They are all on his side.”, noted some of the citizens residing in Vintai. His statements were captured and broadcast by UK media Daily mail.


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