He murdered his two little children with a harpoon on his chest


It was 7:27 a.m. on Monday, August 9. The call the Baja police got California 911 was shocking. A farm worker had found the bodies of two babies in diapers which had been brutally stabbed. They were in a ditch near the El Descanso ranch, at kilometer 55.4 of the road between Tijuana and Ensenada, Mexico. The confirmation from Baja California prosecutor Hiram Sánchez Zamora added more horror to an already huge case. The children’s own father, a surf school owner in California, killed them with a harpoon because he believed they were going to turn into monsters.

Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, of Santa Barbara, faces a federal charge of murdering US citizens abroad, the charge said in a statement. So far, it is not known whether the accused has a lawyer making statements on his behalf. the Men confessed to FBI that he took his 2-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter to Rosarito, Mexico, where he shot them in the chest with a “fishing harpoon gun,” according to the affidavit filed by an FBI agent with the complaint. criminal.

What made you commit such an absurd act? Coleman told officers he killed his sons by shooting a spear in their chest, explaining that he was “enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories” and “believed he was saving the world from monsters.” , he reported. Diego Union Tribune. Also according to the affidavit, the man said he was “receiving visions and signals that revealed his wife had snake DNA and passed it on to their children.”

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QAnon encompasses a wide range of conspiracy theories. Among other things, his supporters believe former President Donald Trump is battling a deep state of Satan-worshiping cannibals – including well-known celebrities and Democrats – who operate a child sex trafficking ring, the newspaper.

Matthew Coleman and the kids checked into a Rosarito hotel on Saturday. According to images captured by security cameras, they were seen leaving the scene before dawn Monday, Mexican authorities reported. The man did not return until a few hours later and then left the hotel. He had already killed them.

Coleman’s wife reported to police that her husband had left with the children. He said he didn’t know where they were going and hadn’t responded to their messages. The woman said she didn’t believe the children were in danger, that she hadn’t had a problem with Coleman. An iPhone tracking app located Coleman’s phone in Rosarito and it was located in an area near the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego. Eventually, he was detained at the border checkpoint. There, during his interview with an FBI agent, he admitted to having committed the crime.

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