He noticed that the floor of his house was rammed and when he checked he was surprised


A couple who have moved into a new home in Plymouth England, he realized that there was a slight depression upstairs from the living room.

When is it Colin and Vanessa Steer, 70 years old, they noticed that there was a well under their house, which, for safety, they decided to keep covered. After that, Colin wanted to know what was underneath, so he spent the last decade digging. He has already reached the five meters deep.

The man has already reached a depth of five meters of excavation. (Photo: caterer)

The plans of the place indicated that it could be a medieval well dating from the 16th century. This theory gained in truth after the discovery of an ancient sword who was buried for A meter and a half Deep.

“I found what appeared to be a leather scabbard for a sword when I was about 1.5 meters from the excavation, which leads me to believe that the well could be medieval, “said Colin Europe Press.

The man was wearing a Staircase and one pulley system to excavate inside your home. Colin said that it took a few six months reach the depth that you have now.

The 70-year-old also said he drank some of the water from the well. “I had good taste. I will do a bacteriological test and if all goes well I might even bottle it and sell it», He affirmed.

The couple commented that in the well they discovered a ring and an motto of the century 17th century. In turn, they said the house was built around 1895, so these found objects could date back to this time.

The couple commented that in the well they discovered a 17th century ring and coin. In turn, they said the house was built around 1895, so these found objects could date from that time. (Photo: caterer)

“We’re not quite sure yet why the well is there. We looked at old maps to try to find out where it came from, but we were unlucky, ”the couple concluded.


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