He only needed to ask for an autograph: Trump "betrays" the United States for Putin and wins the hatred of the whole country


Donald Trump's well-known slogan "United States first" became "the first" on Monday, after the US president openly questioned the findings of his own intelligence agencies on the subject. Russian interference in the 2006 elections in front of his counterpart Vladimir Putin

"I have great confidence in my intelligence staff, but I will tell you that President Putin has been extremely firm and firm in his denial today. ", Said the president, while dismissing the investigation. Special Prosecutor on Russian efforts to interfere, which, according to intelligence agents continue. "I see no reason for Russia to intervene in the 2016 elections."

The US president also attributed the sad state of relations between the United States and Russia. "stupidity and stupidity", reiterating questions in which he insisted on various meetings in which he presented.

wave of criticism

Since the 2016 Trump campaign has refuted any mention of Russian support for its However, the fact that it was on foreign soil and sided with Putin has sparked criticism of from the left and the American right.

Senator John McCain was very direct, stating that Trump was making "a conscious decision". to defend a tyrant "and had" one of the most shameful representations to remember from an American president. "In addition, describes what happened as" one of the most deplorable actions of an American president who has the memory. "

For his part, Senator Bob Corker said that Trump does in the United States "looked like a puppet". "He had the opportunity to defend our intelligence agencies, which work for him," he added.

The president of the House of Representatives, Republican Paul Ryan, said the "president must realize that Russia is not our ally. "

In the same vein, Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, who criticized research on Russia, said that" Russia is not our friend "and expressed confidence that Trump's badociates could convince him that it is possible to conclude that Russia has been ingested in our elections in 2016 without delegitimizing its electoral triumph. "

Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor and politician of the Republican Party, also joined the criticism and described do it as shameful. "You were there like a wet noodle, like a fan, I thought you were going to ask for an autograph or a selfie," he says.

"You sold our intelligence agencies, our judicial system and, worse still, in our country, you are the president of the United States, you did not have to do it," he added.

Under the leadership of the New York Daily News, social networks showed Trump completely by the Russian president

@ realdonaldtrump mocks the relationships with which I am disagree with "false news", then buys the Russian narrative hook, line, lead, pole and boat. https://t.co/TGHurpVDKy

A first look at the front of Tuesday … pic.twitter.com/BXsoZsIT4B

– Daily News from New York (@NYDailyNews) July 16, 2018

Schwarzenegger calls Trump "wet noodle" after his "betrayal" with Putin pic.twitter.com/fZ21oHslAA

– GUSTAVO GONZALEZ GONZALEZ (@ tavo2366) July 17, 2018

@ValdebenitoNata @santasviolettas Yesterday, looking at the news, I could not help but imagine Putin with his hand stuck behind Trump, like a puppet #cafeconnata pic.twitter. com / E0njcws1e2

– UnaMatronaFantástica (@MatronaClau) July 17, 2018

Summary of the Trump-Putin Summit. pic.twitter.com/C7FSc19NEW

– Lawrence Lamonica (@Lamonica_L) July 17, 2018


– matador (@ slain time) July 17, 2018

The title of Finland wakes up this morning. pic.twitter.com/JwkNGOTuCb

– Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) July 17, 2018

He will portabandiera. #flagship #Trump #Putin #Undintrumpsummit pic.twitter.com/5js8Q2bGoA

– Maurizio Boscarol (@dottorboscarol) July 17, 2018 [19659016] Whenever this man speaks, the world is a more dangerous place. Let someone shut him up !!! # HELSINKI2018 #TrumpPutin pic.twitter.com/RUwcSlI7Vh

– Angeles Villaverde (@ avillaverde14) July 17, 2018

Summary of the meeting between Trump and Putin . pic.twitter.com/bQFANbzbVv

– Alberto Sibrian (@asibrianv) July 17, 2018

Bad Relations

The meeting started just a few hours after Trump blamed The United States – and not Russian electoral interference or its annexation of Crimea – because of the low level of bilateral relations.

"Our relationship with Russia has never been worse," Trump tweeted Monday morning, accusing "Many years of American absurdity and foolishness and now, the witch hunt manipulated!"

Our relationship with Russia has never been worse thanks to many years of American war. stupidity and stupidity and now, the witch hunt Rigged

– Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018

The Russian Chancellery responded by "loving" Trump's tweet, and then declared : "We agree."

Asked about the tweet and he blames Russia for anything, Trump said that "both countries bear responsibility", believes that the United States have "cheated" and that "we have all the fault. "

" The investigation (on electoral interference) is a disaster for our country and there was no collusion, "he said.

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