He ordered a triple burger and dislocated his jaw: “My life has been ruined.”


Nail nightmare that nobody would want to discover. It all started with a physiological need: food. In the UK, a woman claimed to have bought a triple burger and dislocated jaw taking a bite. Following the incident, he stated that his life he was ruined.

Holly strevens possesses 34 years old and lives in the city of Portsmouth, England. She recalled that the episode happened in September 2004. He was at home that day when he decided to call KFC and ask delivery: ordered a Wicked Zinger Burger, consisting of two fried chicken medallions stacked next to a hash browns, known in spanish What potato croquette.

“I was eating while watching television and suddenly I felt a loud clicking noise. Was the cut on the left side of my jaw. It seemed normal, but the the feeling was horrible: did not prevent ‘lock and unlock‘. At this point I should have stretched too much mouth biting the burger, “he told the agency Caterer. The British woman was diagnosed with a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

Burger.  A combo similar to the one the woman was asking for at the time.

Burger. A combo similar to the one the woman was asking for at the time.

What is TMJ disorder

“The temporomandibular joint acts as a sliding hinge, What connects the jaw to the skull. You have a joint on either side of your jawbone. Disorders of the temporomandibular joint can cause pain in the cut of the jaw and in the muscles that control jaw movement, ”the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization in the United States, reported on its website.

Strevens said that in recent years he had suffered five operations and they placed 12 screws. As he explained, daily support severe pain, non-epileptic seizures and suffers from anxiety. Besides, he can’t eat “nothing soft“or Lasted.

Injury.  The scar that remained after the operation.  Photo: Holly Strevens.

Injury. The scar that remained after the operation. Photo: Holly Strevens.

Lost his job

On the other hand, the woman He lost his job as a clerk in an office. “During these years I have had a lot time offlike i was in and out of doctors and pain it affected my life. People open their mouths 35 mm, but the movement of my jaw is redujo a 13 mm. I also developed arthritis in my left jaw with cysts in the joint, “he said Caterer.

In 2017, a surgeon performed an open joint replacement: they replaced the tissue of the left side of the jaw by a “artificial disc“Unfortunately, his condition did not improve. At present, he expects to be same operation but on the right side, since it produces the chronic pain.

Young.  A heat pack is placed on the jawbone for pain relief.  Photo: Holly Strevens.

Young. A heat pack is placed on the jawbone for pain relief. Photo: Holly Strevens.

“I regret having eaten it”

Strevens wants fast food reduce the size of the burgers in order, according to his vision, to prevent another such incident from occurring.

I regret having eaten the burger. It changed my life. Now I am disabled and I completely lost my independence. My mental health has deteriorated and I have anxiety because I might have a seizure when I am alone. Hope they replace the right side of my jaw to end the relentless chronic pain“said in the same way.

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