He paid well-known designer over $ 3,000 for the world’s ugliest wedding dress | the Chronicle


“I decided to tell how I was cheated on my wedding dress”user wrote Pau Arevalos (@pauarevalos) last Monday on his account Twitter. It was the perfect kick to hook millions of internet users throughout its long history from the day a renowned designer stole thousands of dollars for a dress for her wedding, which ended up being thrown away.

The twitterer began by chronologically recounting her tragedy so that everyone who reads it can relate to time and space, and understand the euphoria felt in the moments leading up to a wedding day when things don’t turn out like this. planned.

I got engaged on August 15th, we set a date for June 19th. I wanted my dress as soon as possible so that I could get rid of this “stress”.

Arevalos indicated that on August 27, 2020 he wrote to Fernando Preda, a renowned Paraguayan designer who lives in the Mexican city of Tulum, to shape the dress of your dreams. “A ‘friend’ whom I have always admired a lot”, he stressed. They were still communicating by WhatsApp, since the bride lived in Miami.

Sketch of the dress Fernando Preda sent to his client. Source: (Twitter @pauarevalos)

The seamstress sent him pictures of the first sketches and asked him to buy the fabrics from a luxury New York boutique so that he could send them to her so he could begin the tailoring process. However, from one moment to the next, Preda changed her plans and informed him that he would take care of everything.

“On September 12, he sent me the sketch of the dress and the budget. The total was US $ 2,870, we agreed that I would pay it month by month until December “said the user, who remarked that it was “a lot of money” to shell out, considering that in “Miami, you get a beautiful dress for 600 USD”.

“But hey, this was going to be the dress of my dreams designed for me, and I already had my savings for it”, was his reasoning. However, this was a big mistake. A few days later, the creator He asked him for an additional $ 800 to buy more equipment. And she, without questioning the professional, acquitted herself in less than a day. “I was sure he was telling me the truth and I was very excited about my dress.”, he justified.

Fernando Preda announces that the value of the veil would be out of budget, and that it would be worth $ 800.

On September 30, he sent me a sketch explaining the design in detail. He also sends me a “monthly payment plan” which I thought was great.

Every month, Preda would ask her to pay her an advance on the dress. In October, he had shown her a video of the fabrics he had purchased for his client, but He also clarified that the cost of the veil would be out of budget, worth around $ 700 more.. One week he increased the price to 800 USD.

“On November 6, she wrote to me telling me that the veil is almost ready and that she needed $ 600 to finish it. I just lost my job due to the pandemic and I couldn’t transfer you that day. But I ask you to go ahead with the dress which was what mattered to me) “Arevalos explained his economic situation.

On November 23, I deposit him 300 USD and he tells me that they are working “at full capacity” with the corset of the dress, that he would send me pictures when I get on the mannequin.

At the end of November, when Fernando Preda was finishing his famous show, the client wrote to him again, motivated because then, the designer could work exclusively on her dress. While still paying her advance in dollars for the design, the seamstress sent her a “reference to a corset she had already made for her brand” and explained that “that way it would be more adaptable” to his body.

“And I ask him to confirm: ‘DOES IT CARRY WHALES? “, because that was what we had left, and he said “YES, A LOT” (Sic), the Twitter thread pointed out.

The twitter assured that he had always “responded with good vibes, trusting him”.

As the days go by Arévalos started to run out of responses from the designer, to whom he wrote emphatically amid the concern, because in January of this year he had yet to see “not half of a photo”.

“More and more worried because he never showed up” Unless she wrote to him, the user stated that she had already paid for almost all of the dress and had not heard from it yet. Until, In February, he finally sent her the first photos, and that’s where the real terror began.

“He tells me that WHALES ARE STILL MISSING but he’s already showing me what it looks like”, she wrote indignantly. “February 19 changes the delivery date to March 10, and asks me for the pending money ($ 20 USD) to be able to ‘speed up'”he added.

The excuses were endless. In addition to asking you for money to speed up the process, He asks for a photo of a shoe to inspire him. “She told me that they would finally assemble the complete dress and that she would send me pictures, that she needed my final measurements. Reconfirm again that the corset has whales“, he remarked.

Arévalos shared screenshots of his conversation on WhatsApp with the Paraguayan seamstress, to show that at all times he responded in good faith and he had placed all his hopes in this plan. But his patience had a limit.

On April 13 of this year, she announced that a friend of hers would be going to Tulum to pick up the dress as it was, and specifies that he had to prepare it and secure it in its box to be able to move it.

On April 20 you send me the FIRST photo of the dress and ask me for money for the box ?! Finally I pay it, I wanted this NIGHTMARE to end! I wanted my dress and I would never have to talk to her again.

The next day, the martyrdom of Arévalos continues, because Preda admits it wasn’t over yet, and that he would take her the next day to Playa del Carmen, where a friend of the bride was waiting for him.

He sends me pictures of the dress and INFORMS ME that he did not hem and that he was sending me a “gift” dress that had not yet been sewn.

When her friend in Mexico received the dress and they had a video call chat to see the end result, the twitterer assured her that she was “speechless”: Not only was it not delicately stored in a box, it was also dirty and ink-stained..

The claims were of no use. Oh, and the dress did NOT have A SINGLE WHALE.

Also, when she had the famous dress in her hands, she discovered that it was huge, insisted that “I didn’t even have half a whale” he wanted so much, and pointed out that “the length of the dress was ridiculous”.

So everything, with an impressive temperance and an attitude of surpassing, the Internet user indicated that his story had a “happy ending”: “Two days before the wedding I went to a store and bought my dress for so much less and it was perfect”She concluded by showing the image of the dress she wore last month.

The twitterer praised her final dress, much cheaper and more beautiful than the one she had ordered from the famous fashion designer who ended up swindling her.

His “thread” on Twitter has collected over 80 thousand “hearts” and received thousands of messages of encouragement from followers. Many repudiated the famous designer’s scam and told similar anecdotes, others tried to cheer her up by saying that the final dress was much prettier than they had imagined.


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