He parked his vehicle in a place reserved for the disabled and the police left him a sign saying …


"We realized that had a little problem to stay between the lines when he parked next to a space for disabled people. Maybe if you train yourself to color our logo and stay between the lines, I could help you avoid the quotes in the future. "

With a letter mentioning what was mentioned in the first paragraph, I'm waiting for police from the city of Southlake, Texas (United States), as the driver of a pickup truck had been partially parked in an exclusive sector for people with different physical abilities.

The fact was revealed by the Southlake police itself. Photo: Southlake DPS (Facebook).
The fact was revealed by the Southlake police itself. Photo: Southlake DPS (Facebook).

The letter was placed on the windshield of the truck. The driver who he got out of the fineHe found it when he came back. Police hope it was enough as a transit lesson.

"Be nice, drive nicely and park nicely. Let this graphic be an example and draw your attention so that we have to make thousands of copies, "they told Southlake police in a Facebook post, which contained more than a thousand comments.


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