He Pounded His Step-Son To Death And Dismembered Him With Help From His Sons | the Chronicle


A macabre and unexpected crime involving a father and his three children was discovered in Bolivia amid the search for a young man, 23, who went missing in September 2020 but who so far only one of his arms had been found near the house he lived in. The victim is the stepson of the accused of committing the murder, who acted with the help of the miners to dismember the body.

The case was explained by the general commander of the Bolivian police, Jhonny Aguilera, who indicated that the inmate killed his stepson with “two hammer blows” in the head and then proceeded to its dismemberment with the “cooperation of three of his sons, 16, 14 and 12”.

The macabre episode shocked the whole country.

After the crime, The subject and the miners took the remains of the body to a river near their home in the Llojeta region., in the western part of the city, while other parts were “half buried” in the dwelling.

The case It was resolved by the complaint of a minor which established that the accused now had proceeded to kill the stepson hitting him on the head, ”said Dubravka Jordán, the prosecutor in charge of the case.

In this way, the police, with the help of trained dogs, were able to find the other remains of the young man, whose arm had already been found near the residence.


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