He ran and shot his ex-wife on the street when he went to pick up his son at school


A man was arrested after run and shoot his ex-wife six times this Monday in the locality of Santo André, on the outskirts of San Pablo.

As it was every day, Elieide Rodrigues de Oliveira left the house where she worked as a cleaning lady to find her six-year-old son at school, a few blocks away.

Then his ex-husband, Manoel Gomes de Oliveira, appeared at full speed driving his car.

Elieide Rodrigues de Oliveira, seconds before being murdered by her ex-husband (source: G1).
Elieide Rodrigues de Oliveira, seconds before being murdered by her ex-husband (source: G1).

The man suddenly turned to the sidewalk and ran to the woman She managed to get up but de Oliveira got out of the vehicle, seized a 38 caliber pistol and He fired six times in the body. The entire scene was recorded by security cameras, the site said. G1.

Elieide was taken to the Centro Hospitalario Municipal, Santo André, but her serious injuries did not survive.

By the time De Oliveira crushed his ex-wife (Source: G1).
By the time De Oliveira crushed his ex-wife (Source: G1).

The man, who escaped by car from the crime scene, was pursued by the police and arrested after a shootout. He was wounded and is in the hospital, under police surveillance. He has been accused of feminicide.

Manoel and Elieide de Oliveira (source: video captures).
Manoel and Elieide de Oliveira (source: video captures).

According to Brazilian media, Elieide he had already denounced his partner for violence after I attacked her with a knife last week.

Allegados said that the woman, who maintained the household economically, had separated from Manoel after 20 years of marriage, fed up with his abuse.

The drop that spilled out of the glbad consisted of photos that he had found on his cell phone, in which he appeared in bed with other women. "He was very macho"commented one of her clients who had accompanied her to bring the charge of aggression.

Elieide is separated after finding pictures of her husband with other women on her mobile phone (source: video capture).
Elieide is separated after finding pictures of her husband with other women on her mobile phone (source: video capture).


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