He raped a 2-year-old girl and was the victim of gang violence by more than 50 prisoners: shocking details the chronicle


A two-year-old girl was abused and murdered by Elman Elder Liñán Barreto, who is the brother of the girl’s stepfather, taking her to a bush and mistreating her with another subject. The event took place in Trujillo, Peru.

As the media have reported in recent hours, Barreto has reportedly been rape victim inside El Milagro penitentiary, where he is serving a 2-year preventive prison for his macabre crime.

Barreto, taking advantage of the fact that the girl was alone convinced with balloons and toys so she could take her to the area where she would comment on the wrongdoing with another person, according to the murderer.

The girl’s body was later found near the Moche river in a 6-meter well in depth with Barreto by police officers.

“She shouldn’t have died like this. She was too young to be killed that way. That the culprit is not released and if there is someone else involved who also pays with all the weight of the law. I want to ask for guarantees for my life for fear of reprisals from his family (the murderer), ”said the mother of the girl, Agustina Vera Briceño.

Raped in prison

The InfoPerú website reported that the killer was raped and torn apart by inmates at El Milagro prison, and that he was also beaten in different parts of his body. “As soon as he comes back they’ll bite himThe detainees said, claiming that “the children do not touch each other”.

The subject was immediately evacuated to a nearby hospital where he arrived half-passed out. “The indignant inmates said we are waiting for you with a skirt, that’s little what you deserve for raping and killing a two year old girl, an innocent little girl. “


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