He read the fine print on his insurance policy and won $ 10,000


Contrary to what usually happens, this time the “fine print” of a contract ended up being an incredible advantage: a Women read your insurance policy carefully insurance and won $ 10,000.

The Squaremouth company offered travel insurance with a “contest” hidden inside for over a year. In a section of the document containing 4,000 sheets of legal terms, the company wrote that it would reward anyone who realized that detail. If no one noticed, they would donate that amount to charity.

“In an effort to emphasize the importance of reading the terms and conditions of our policies, we launched ‘We pay you if you read it’, a competition It will reward whoever reads your policy information from cover to cover. If you are the first to contact us, you will win the grand prize of the contest: $ 10,000. “

Responsibly, consumer economics graduate Professor Donelan Andrews had enough patience and time to review absolutely every line of the contract. A day after purchasing the insurance, the woman contacted the firm and a few hours later received the check.

“I always read everything and was quick. I have always been passionate about everything relating to customers and consumers, especially so that companies do not take advantage of anyone, ”commented the deserved winner.

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