He recorded the rescue of a body, but had a surprise


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Crowds of people gathered in Hachinohe Bay, northeast of Honshu Island, Japan, to witness the rescue of the corpse of a drowned woman. However, they had a curious surprise: rescuers confirmed that it was a rubber sex doll.

One of the witnesses to the mad rescue was the Japanese youtuber Tanaka Natsuki, who regularly shares fishing videos.

Several people called the authorities, believing it to be a real body. Immediately, the police, firefighters and an ambulance arrived.

“While filming a fishing video, I thought that a human corpse was sinking and was a sex doll. So it looks like someone misinterpreted and reported, and the police, fire department and service of emergency came together to save her. “, said the influencer.

Source: Mega / Twitter / Media / Le Soleil

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