He reported he was hit by an autonomous car but it was just a lie


The man in question was arrested in Louisiana after discovering that he had “staged” an accident in the parking lot of a busy gas station.

The episode occurred on Friday, September 3. Arthur Bates Jr, now arrested for perjury, claimed he was run over by a Tesla. At around 4 p.m., he called the police and said he was injured after being hit by the self-driving car.

The alleged victim, 47, said the Tesla backed up towards him, knocking her onto the sidewalk and causing the driver to flee. Bates complained of injuries to his back, legs and neck. An ambulance and even a fire engine were dispatched to the scene.

When the police found the Tesla and spoke to the driver of the vehicle, the version they heard was different: Bates had intentionally jumped behind the vehicle.

The complainant did not know it, but the autonomous car records all the images of its cameras. It was easy to confirm that this second version was the closest to reality.

Confronted with the video, Bates admitted to fabricating the story and was arrested under a false oath with the intention of causing an emergency response.)

He said a Tesla had crushed him.mp4

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