He resigned and left a bitter farewell to his boss – News


The notice was published by the employee herself on the social network Reddit and received a wave of varied reactions on the networks.

“Hey Jordan! I just wanted to tell you that I won’t be going back to work tomorrow, or next week. Thanks honey!”

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However, the drama does not end there, since, in addition to informing his resignation by the message, he left him an unusual postscript.

“I’ll never understand why you’ve always been so rude to me,” the woman said, closing the message with the scribble of a smiley face.

Comments on the post ran the gamut from laughter to outrage.

“The best decision you could have made,” wrote one user. “I can’t stop laughing at the politeness of your note. Good for you! another said. “Love it,” “Good job,” they added in a popular post, which exceeded 1,300 upvotes.

Others, on the contrary, assured that it was not good to “burn bridges” with their boss and criticized him for not having respected the rule of notice two weeks before, ending up harming his colleagues, more than the boss himself.

“I would be pretty upset with my current (untargeted) job if I found out at the last second that I have to take on someone else’s workload this way,” another user wrote.


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