He resigned from all the writing of a Vatican feminist magazine


"We throw the sponge because we feel surrounded by one climate of distrust and progressive delegitimation ", writes the Italian founder Lucetta Scaraffiain a letter to the Pope published yesterday.

For this very feminist historian and Catholic journalist, "with the closure of Give Chiesa Mondo (Women Church World) is over, or more accurately it breaks, a new experience and exceptional for the Church. "

"For the first time, a group of women, who organized themselves independently and who decided internally tasks and the arrival of new editors-in-chief, could work at the heart of the Vatican and the communications of the Holy See, with intelligence and free spirit, thanks to the support of two popes, "he recalls.


The monthly publication, born seven years ago with the approval of Benedict XVI, depends on the Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican newspaper. His versions were in Spanish ("Vida Nueva"), French ("La Vie") and English (on the Internet).

The magazine has published many texts on spirituality and theology, but also very feminist issues, as servile exploitation of religious, often without any kind of remuneration.

In February, the monthly published a record on religious violators forced to abort or to raise alone, expelled from their community, to his children, never recognized by his father. Pope Francis later admitted for the first time that priests had committed these abuses.

Scaraffia also published the editorial of the last issue which, in theory, should appear on April 1, in which he points directly to the "new leadership of the Osservatore Romano", accused of not having provided support to the publication.

The magazine had the support of the former director of Osservatore Romano, Giovanni Maria Vian, a savvy university professor without resources in December, replaced by writer Andrea Monda.


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