He resuscitated a baby elephant hit by a motorcycle – News


This happened in Chanthaburi province in eastern Thailand. In the middle of the route, a motorbike ran over the small animal that was crossing the route with the rest of its herd.

The pachyderm lay on the asphalt with no vital signs until Mana Srivate, a lifeguard with 26 years of experience, applied the necessary maneuvers and brought him back to life.

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“I was worried all the time, because I heard the mother and other elephants calling for the calf,” said the rescuer.

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The paramedic spent about 10 minutes massaging the animal’s chest, which was reacting slowly, until at some point it began to breathe on its own.

Still stunned, the little elephant manages to get up and rejoin his herd.

One of the passers-by recorded the entire scene and uploaded the video to social media. It didn’t take long for the shoot to go viral.


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