He sank the ship during the honeymoon to kill his wife


But the investigation took a macabre turn, Lewis Bennett confessed to killing his wife Isabella Hellman, 41, after the photographs revealed that he had deliberately sunk the shoe in which they were traveling, in order to inherit his wife's property. Prosecutors' testimonies show the alleged incident that occurred in the yacht's hull to make it flow and in this way, to make the death of his wife looks like an accident.

Bennett was reported to have opened the escape hatches and He broke the twin helmets of the boat on which he was traveling with Hellman for their honeymoon.

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Leaving the yacht, the man made an SOS call where he reported that the boat named "Surf in the summer" was sinking and his wife was gone.

Bennett was saved by the US Coast Guard, they found it between Cuba and the Bahamas on a raft with their luggage.

Hellman's body never found and Bennett said that he had no idea what had happened to him, but he suspected that she had been dragged into the sea when the ship had been submerged.. According to the FBI, the doors of the ship They opened and damaged the ship from the inside.

Back in the United States, Bennett took his daughter to the United States and he did not allow his wife's family to see her. Then he applied for a petition in the courts of Florida, in the United States, so that his wife be declared dead and that he can inherit from the Delray Beach apartment. A judge dismissed him.

Bennett was first charged with second degree murder, but became later manslaughter in a plea agreement, where he received a maximum sentence of eight years.


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