He saved a cell phone that lost a stranger in the middle of a roller coaster – News


A man rescued a person 's cell phone while he was in the roller coaster of a Spanish amusement park.

The images, which have become viral, show how a man and a woman enjoyed one of PortAventura's attractions in the Tarancón region.

From one moment to the next, you see how the phone is filming in front of a camera and that the man is hunting it with great skill.

After grabbing the cell phone, an iPhone X, the video shows how proud the man was and announced the win against the other participants of the match.

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The young man, Samuel Kempf, is a New Zealander who toured Europe after competing in the Faustball World Championship.

Kempf handed the device to its owner once under the game, who was surprised by the skills of the "rescue" and thanked the gesture.

Subsequently, the owner of the phone bought the video filmed by the park for sale to tourists and forwarded it to Kempf. The recording was captured in September, but has been heavily viralized in recent days.


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