He saved the life of a cat and was suspended at work | Chronic


Mauricie German was punished by his bosses after saving a kitten.

A man was suspended from his job after using a crane with which he worked to save a 12-hour cat on a wooden post on a Pennsylvania street in the United States.

After rescuing the cat that could not get out of the stick, the Verizon phone company for which the subject works works suspended him for using part of his work crew to perform his heroic maneuver.

Maurice German This has been sanctioned because company vehicles should only be used for maintenance work. The spokesman of the company, Young rich, he explained: "It is our responsibility to ensure the safety of our customers and, even if the aim of German was admirable, his actions put his life at risk, as well as that of those who l & # 39; 39; around. "

The story and video of the rescue were broadcast via social networks, where users launched a campaign to collect the money that the rescuer would lose due to suspension. In less than 3 days, they managed to raise more than $ 10,000.


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