He saw his father kill his mother and a brother, escaped and now has learned disturbing details – 27/04/2019


Not five, not six, as they say. Jonas, the child who miraculously survived the violence of his father, who murdered his mother and his older brother in Tenerife, was 7 years old. This and other details were announced on Friday, April 27, three days after the crime that shook Spain and the world.

The miner had arrived on Monday Canary Islands of its Germany natal, with his mother Shylvia and his 10-year-old brother. They visited Thomas Handrick (43), father of children and resident of the Spanish city of Adeje. Like adults they were separatedthe boys had gotten used to these trips. Nobody expected the tragic end.

The operation at the base of the Teide volcano, where is the cave in which they found the bodies. (AP Photo / Andres Gutierrez)

The operation at the base of the Teide volcano, where is the cave in which they found the bodies. (AP Photo / Andres Gutierrez)

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

On Tuesday 24, Handrick took his family to one of caves own geography of the place. The excuse was macabre: he said that he had "Easter gifts". Once there, he attacked his ex-wife and eldest son, taking their life. Jonas could throw a stone and escape. He wandered for hours on a path covered with groves, until arriving in a neighboring neighborhood where they alerted the police. The next day, they found the bodies.

The details of the crime were slowly revealed by the child, who had to overcome the shock as well as the language barrier. Annelies, a 59-year-old Dutch neighborshe worked as a translator for the Civil Guard and treated for almost 24 hours. It was his guardian angel.

A crowd of the Civil Guard in the field of double criminality. (Photo: EFE / Cristóbal García)

A crowd of the Civil Guard in the field of double criminality. (Photo: EFE / Cristóbal García)

The woman revealed to the press that the father had taken the family "during a field visit". According to Jonas himself, he rented a car, prepared snacks and promised them gifts.

"Everything looked good and then he cheated on them"concluded Annelies. And he added that the minor still he does not know that his mother and his brother have diedalthough he thinks they are seriously injured.

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According to the Dutch, Jonah has witnessed a "very big shots" to his mother and brother. "The boy was super intelligent, he threw a stone at the father, he ran out and did not have time to touch him," he said.

The boy is now under the tutelage of the government, although he has received the visit of Annelies. The killer and feminicide Thomas Handrick was presented this Friday before Justice.

The investigation remains under summary secrecy. However, official sources have announced that "the facts were premeditated". The alleged perpetrator would have sores and scratches in the body, as a result of an attempt to defend his victims. When he was arrested, he was sleeping.


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