He saw that his puppy was dying, took him urgently to a hospital and the doctors saved his life


The love story of a Mexican retiree and his sick puppy It generates emotions in social networks. Desperate to see his life partner faint, the man was forced to act urgently but could not take him to a veterinarian. In exchange, asked for help in a hospital where, thankfully, the doctors treated him and they saved his life.

The fact this happened in Huejotzingo, in the state of Puebla, and was broadcast via the Facebook page "Amigos de Lucho". According to the publication, the decision of the elder was due to the state of gravity in which his pet was, which, according to him, would not allow him to join a veterinarian alive.

For this reason, he took her to a hospital near where, At first they were reluctant to attend. However, human pleas solved all sorts of questions and the doctors, moved, decided to get to work to help him.

"The doctor who looked after him was about to refuse and tell him that the vets were there, but see the sad eyes of the old man could not say no and decided to help him"explains the post.

He had to take her to the hospital before the situation rushed (Photo: Facebook / Friends of Lucho).
He had to take her to the hospital before the situation rushed (Photo: Facebook / Friends of Lucho).

At that time, the old man, of humble origin, asked how much would cost the consultation and describe the symptoms of the animal. "He has diarrhea, is tired and does not want to eat. He barely drinks water, complains softly and is very sad, "he said.

Without answering his question, the called doctor was calling other colleagues and together they were preparing to help the animal.

To treat your dehydration and a disease that seemed to have been caused by a virus or infection, the administered antibiotics and electrolytes and, once the problem is solved, they let him go without making him pay for the consultation.

The man thanked in tears the heroes who saved his pet (Photo: Facebook / Friends of Lucho).
The man thanked in tears the heroes who saved his pet (Photo: Facebook / Friends of Lucho).

"To see the tears of emotion of the old man because they were helping their puppy, the doctors told him that if the animal did not improve, he would bring it back with them. The man left the hospital with his puppy in his arms, smiling and happy to have been heard and especially to see that his pet was better, "concludes the publication, which identifies the doctor as Dr. Rubalcaba. shared more than 4000 times in the social network.


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