He says he's 123 and explained his recipe for longevity – News


Swami Sivananda is a Hindu monk who says he is 123 thanks to an austere life crossed by yoga, a healthy diet and without sex.

The man has been trying to confirm his age for three years in his Guinness Book of Records, but he has not yet entered because his only certificate comes from a recording in a temple where he grew up after being given for adoption.

Sivananda, who claims to be born in colonial India on August 8, 1896, says he's not excited about new technologies and prefers to be alone. "The people before were satisfied with fewer things. Nowadays, people are unhappy, crazy and have become dishonest, which hurts me a lot, "he said.

He said that he did not eat spices, lived in austerity and practiced two hours of yoga a day. His bed consists of a mat laid on the floor and a wooden slab that he uses as a pillow. "I avoid drinking milk or fruits because I think they are sophisticated foods," he explained.

Until now, the oldest documented person in history was the French Jeanne Louise Calment, aged 122 years and 164 days. The person with the longest life currently alive and recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records is Kane Tanaka of Japan, who is 116 years old and 279 days old.


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