He sent a picture to his mother and eventually revealed his sexual tastes. | Chronic


In the digital age, many photos sent through online messaging systems often hide small details that are imperceptible to many, but extremely unfortunate for others. These images even become memories of the large number of reactions they generate.

The conversation between the young woman and her mother. (Photo: @Elle_vdm)

Ella Martine, a girl residing in Orange County in the US state of California, emigrated to college, like so many other young people and of course, she had to decorate her room to add her personal style.

Elle's mother was very insistent about what the teenager's space looked like. She asked him to send her a picture to see what her daughter's space looked like.

The display of the teenager in the networks. (Photo: @Elle_vdm)

Martine finally accessed and sent the picture you saw just for simpler and contains: a double bed with matching pillows, a small white light table with miniature plants above, a wooden chair and a floating floating floor on the ceiling.

At first, everything seemed fine, but she had forgotten to hide a small object on the back of his bed: he had left two wives hanging behind the pillows. Ella's mother, who obviously pays close attention to details, saw the props and informed her daughter.

The image in which wives are observed. (Photo: @Elle_vdm)

"Mom was asking for pictures of my new room … I finally sent her one … I'm very stupid."she wrote in the tweet that she shared, with the attached cat photos. During the conversation, her mother responded to the photo with three short messages: "How pretty it is! Except wives. What's new?. The tweet generated so much laughter that it became viral. In three days, he collected 111,000 "likes", 24,000 "retweets" and hundreds of responses.


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