He sent to kill his parents and a friend alerted the police


The 17-year-old girl extracted money from an ATM with her parents' card to hire the killers who were to kill them. She was arrested after a friend alerted the police on the macabre plane.

A 17-year-old girl from the city of Umatilla, Florida, United States, was arrested for ordering the murder of her mother and stepfather. The crime did not materialize because a friend of the teenager gave the plan.

Alyssa Hatcher stole the debit card from her parents and paid nearly $ 1,400 to hire two batters to kill them. But the story did not end tragically almost miraculously. At first, Alyssa had paid a colleague from Tavares High School to help her hire someone who had committed the homicide. But then she refused and she ended up delivering it to the Lake County Police on September 9th.

After being arrested, Alyssa acknowledged that she had done both rounds. According to the affidavit, the first transaction was divided into two parts: $ 100 for cocaine, the remaining $ 400 being delivered to the friend.

Hatcher said he paid 900 dollars to "a black man" for the murder because the first "act was never committed". According to the police, the reasons why the young woman wanted to kill her mother and stepfather are unclear, but both have lodged a complaint against her daughter.



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