He skidded with his car, hit two people and killed one: scary video | Chronic


The violent incident took place in Mecca, a sacred city of Islam located in western Saudi Arabia.

In the video recorded by a security camera, you can see a white car bump into a group of young people leaning against the column of a mechanical workshop.

In the pictures, we see how one of the boys was miraculously saved by taking a few steps to the side when he saw the vehicle approaching untimely.

The other two are the ones who had the worst. The child died in the act suffered cranial lesions and multiple fractures to the ribs, which compromised his airways. The survivor is hospitalized for serious injuries and struggles for his life.

The crew member of the car was arrested a few minutes after the impact, but police sources have not yet revealed in what state he was at the time of the coup d'etat .


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