He slept with contact lenses and his eyes "rotten" | Chronic


In the United States, an ophthalmologist from the Vita Ophthalmology Clinic shared impressive images of a patient's eye: in just 36 hours she was wearing contact lenses, even sleeping, and had an ulcer that could have made her blind. time since it's been treated and recovered favorably.

Everything happened after a brand dedicated to the manufacture of this object launches a new product with an advertisement that said: "I sleep with my contact lenses, I use them all the time and I've never had a problem".

Surprised by the situation, extremely dangerous for people suffering from this type of ailments (even if they are little known), he published pictures where we could see that the eye of a patient had been left, which developed an ulcer that may have led to blindness.

"As a doctor of the eyes, I literally hear this daily, the images below show a case referred for constant emergency care, a cultured pseudomonas ulcer and are a direct result of sleep with lentils of contact."says the specialist adding: "Pseudomonas are bacteria, a major cause of ocular morbidity and their opportunistic characteristics quickly lead to permanent blindness.This will be the fourth case of cultured pseudomonas that I have treated in my clinic in the last time ".

Later and always surprised because people still do not realize, explained: "Bacteria eat the cornea in a few days, leaving a dead tissue in its path."

While he was thinking: "Although the eyes of this patient continue to improve from the beginning, it is very likely that vision loss is residual even after treatment.".

"To be very clear, I never recommend sleeping with a brand of contact lenses, the risks outweigh the benefits, it takes a few seconds to remove them from irreversible damage," commented with emphasis.

In addition, he said that today: "People must see these images and remember, to their family and friends, that they should also be aware of the incorrect use of contact lenses".

Finally, he recalled that this "The ulcer was not formed the year, but only about 36 hours".

The patient at the beginning of the treatment. (Courtesy Vita Eye Clinic)

The green color is an ink that "accumulates in areas of corneal compromise", in this case the ulcer. (Courtesy Vita Eye Clinic)

The eye of the woman who slept for 36 hours with contact lenses. (Courtesy Vita Eye Clinic)


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