He spent money on luxury and women for his sick son and the little boy died


The decision of a man to spend the money that he had intended to run his son, who died for not being treated in time, is causing outrage in Brazil.

Joao Miguel, a boy of 1 year and 10 months suffering from a rare disease called AME (spinal muscular atrophy), died from inadequate treatment in Conselheiro Lafaiete, a city of L & # 39; State of Minas Gerais.

In 2018, the case of this baby was known and, considering the expenses that they had to face for their treatment, the parents decided to carry out a collection. Only the drugs that the baby had to take cost $ 70,000.

Thus, with the support and solidarity of the Brazilian people, the goal has been achieved and even the civilian police and even the government have launched a campaign. A marathon was also organized to raise funds.


However, Mateus Leroy Alves, the boy's father, spent the money meant to offer his son the opportunity to live a life of luxury. According to several Brazilian media, the 37-year-old man reportedly withdrew some of the money collected and fled to Bahia to spend this money on "travel, women and clothing".

The case broke out when a judicial inquiry into the father determined that much of the money that was in an account for the treatment of the child had "disappeared" ".

The civilian police found him in a four-star hotel in Salvador three months ago. He was charged with the crimes of "misappropriation and valuing valuables of a disabled person," he said. "material abandonment" and "false denunciation of crimes".

Joao Miguel After three months of detention, the kid died for lack of assistance and continued treatment.


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