He spoke to the wounded Argentine who had to pay 10,000 US dollars to be treated in Bolivia


Manuel Vilca Musician from Jujuy, he had an accident in Bolivia. His case generated intense tension between the provincial governor Gerardo Moralesand the president of the neighboring country, Evo Morales, for the costs of medical care they billed after what happened.

The young man said that "the first thing he thought about" "How could I pay for the treatment". "From the beginning, I knew that the health care system was paid for and that if, at any given time, I had to do an internship, I would have to put money to help," he said. the artist, who had to pay 22,000 pesos thousand dollars to take care of in Bolivia.

In addition to the fees paid by Vilca, who was seriously injured in a road accident in early December near Oruro, the government of Jujuy had to pay more than $ 2,000 for the transfer of the patient, which is why a conflict between the leaders .

The payment of all medical benefits that the jujeño Manuel Vilca has made in the country that presides @evoespueblo, the sum of 22,000 Bolivian pesos (at the Oruro Public Hospital), plus 7,000 US dollars (paid to the CBBA II clinic in Cochabamba).

– Gerardo Morales (@ MoralesGerardo1) February 2, 2019

Jujuy's bbad player, who is waiting for a spinal operation, was crossing the Jujuy-Bolivia border for more than 10 years. Recalling the moment of the accident, he said during a dialogue with Infobae"I saw myself face down, lying on the sidewalk, I had the truck behind my head," he said.

Gerardo Morales to Evo Morales: "His attitude towards the Argentineans is repudiable"

"I had terrible back pain and I could barely breathe, and there, yes, the first thing I thought wasOops, now how can I get out, I have no weight to pay for the treatment?", said the musician after the accident, Vilca – who was fired from the vehicle – was a victim of five fractures on the right foot and fractures in the lumbar vertebrae.

The announcement of the Vilca accident shocked the public opinion of Jujuy and the family – who learned what happened 15 days after the incident – launched a campaign to seek financial badistance from the provincial government, because they did not have the means to do it. cope with the costs of hospitalization and treatment.

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Governor Gerardo Morales showed tickets for payments made by Vilca to Jujuy.

The case was made public and the management of Gerardo Morales paid more than two thousand dollars for the last period of his hospitalization and transfer of the musician to the northern province of Argentina. In addition, he showed the tickets of what Manuel Vilca paid, among which is the collection of toilet paper, even.

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Proof of payment made by the musician when he is badisted in Bolivia.

Moreover, in an official letter addressed to the Ministry of Health of the neighboring country, the president of Jujuy took advantage of the public exhibition of the case to complain about the "inhuman treatment" that the Argentineans undergo in Bolivia and stated that it was "urgent" to apply reciprocity since in Argentina foreign citizens have the right to receive free medical care.



On several occasions, I rejected his …

Posted by Gerardo Morales on Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The controversy, which included a claim for reimbursement of expenses, dispelled the debate over whether or not the Argentinean health system should remain free for foreign patients.

Regarding this controversy, Vilca avoided taking a stand: "It's hard to know what to do, I would not pay anyone for healing, but if there is a country where this is loaded, there should be have a system of link with the chancelleries or embbadies of the countries where the patients come from, "he said.



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