He stole all eyes: the unusual reaction of a young man seconds before being vaccinated


A young Mexican with a phobia of needles could not bear the fear and began to scream in the middle of the vaccination. (Photo: Video capture).

In the world there are as many phobias as there are people in it. Fears range from panic at insects, feet, nails and needles among many other things that can generate terror in a person. In a period of COVID-19 when vaccination is extremely necessary to end the pandemic, this man had an amazing reaction before being vaccinated.

Was in Mexico, but it has toured cell phone screens around the world. This young Mexican went to the vaccination center to give himself the first dose of the vaccine, but he couldn’t stand the terror of vaccines.

In the moment before the nurse applies it, he covered his eyes and began to scream. The woman decided to take a step back due to the Mexican boy’s reaction, but he responded by asking. hurry to inoculate it. Amid the man’s screams, the doctor walked over to get him vaccinated, but he couldn’t help laughing.

Inside the open gymnasium, everyone watched the situation and couldn’t help but laugh at the comedic moment. The nurse, for her part, He was tempted to laugh and stopped the vaccination for a few more seconds while the poor boy was waiting to be vaccinated. Finally, in the midst of particular cries, the injection has been made.

When the vaccination is announced, the young man was celebrating with closed fists while everyone present applauded him for his effort. Even the nurse herself congratulated him for enduring such a condition.

One of the funniest moments, the nurse laughs as the young man screams in fear. (Photo: Video capture).

The video was uploaded to TIC Tac and already has more than 24 million visits, more than 3 million “likes”, and in addition to nearly 34,000 reviews in which many users shared their experiences and vaccine phobia.

To top it off, who uploaded the poor boy’s video was no more and no less than his brother. The young man made a tongue-in-cheek comment at the bottom of the video: “Young people are the future of the country”, With some emojis.

Cry for a vaccine? In Argentina it has already happened

In our country, we recently had a viral video calling for COVID-19 vaccines, but the reasons were different. It appears that a young argentinian woman burst into tears talking to his grandmother after The Sinopharm vaccine will be administered.

They gave me the Chinese vaccine, the worst of all. Now it slows me down, I can’t move my arm“Says the protagonist. As we can deduce, he told his grandmother who took him with humor. “Don’t laugh grandma,” commented the young woman.

The recording circulated in TIC Tac and had more than two million views. On the other hand, according to the footer of the video uploaded by the internet user @nachitoomaceira the young woman wanted to get the AstraZeneca vaccine.


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