He suffered a heart attack in Chile and, in three days of hospitalization, he spent more than $ 650,000.


After noticing the cries, the tears and despair of his partner, a man stopped on the road and seeing the dramatic situation, did not hesitate to help him. He took her to the naval hospital, the one closest to where they were, and was immediately operated on. Fortunately, the doctors managed to save his life but still can not return to Argentina.

However, despite the joy of her recovery, the family is desperate. This is because he has to deal with the high costs that hospitalization, materials and treatments entail. In three days of hospitalization, they spent more than 650,000 pesos.

"My brother's girlfriend kept us informed of everything that had happened since the beginning and immediately my mother went there, but since then We turn to money without stopping to cover all the expenses that are numerous", He said Popular, Agustina, her sister.

Pay for the operation and hospitalization they had to resort to the goodwill of the whole family, friends, close friends of Maximiliano who, aware of the news, did not hesitate to collaborate. But there is no solidarity needle that reaches the level of expenses generated day after day, almost minute by minute.


An Argentine man was hospitalized in Bolivia for almost two months without medical care

Two options

Agustina said that in the beginning, she had been contacted by the Tucumán Ministry of Health to collaborate with her brother's return to his country. For that, they had a transfer plane, but what appeared to be a plan on the way became an obstacle course. "It is unclear whether he will be able to leave the country because it is not a sanitary plane for the outside." In Chile, they have already announced that they were going to not allow it, "said Maximiliano's sister.

But until they get the transportation, Tucuman, a professional architect, will remain hospitalized at the private hospital, causing the clock of spending continues to operate.

"We want Maxi to be calm, but if we do not get the transfer, Another option is to stabilize yourself, to pbad it on to a public hospital in Chile and to give a temporary leave so that you can travel by plane and return to Argentina.. ", Affirmed Agustina.

A lot of anger

The sister said that from the first hours of Maximiliano's hospitalization, the money transfer from Tucumán was constant and that even then, it was not enough. "There was a moment when they did not want to continue," he said.

A few days ago, another Argentinian, Jujuy Manuel Vilca, had an accident in Bolivia. He was admitted, but from the hospital They charged 22,000 Bolivian pesos and more than 7,000 dollars for health benefits. Even the governor of this province, Gerardo Morales, revealed the details of all that the family had to pay – among them rolls of toilet paper – and asked that a reciprocal agreement be concluded with the Argentineans traveling in the country . neighboring country.

"Argentina is the only country that welcomes foreigners for free. They made us pay everythingSaid Agustina, who revealed that his brother had not taken out any health insurance.

"He is young and he thought nothing would happen to him, but when that happens, one realizes how important health insurance is. I hope that no one is going through the same situation"Wished the woman who also confessed that the architect had already suffered a heart attack two years ago and that he had recovered.

Today, Maximilian is interned in a coronary unit; He is stable and in a good mood, accompanied by his mother and his brother. "We need quick solutions. If it is the medical plane, whatever. But all we want is that he'll be back soon", Concludes Agustina.


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